“If you cut down a tree, you plant another one. The idea is that any action you take doesn’t negatively impact future generations.”
That’s how Georgia Trythall, Sustainability Technician at H+H, describes the concept of sustainability. This principle, she explains, applies to the construction industry, building projects should always consider both the current and future impacts on the environment.
Georgia became passionate about sustainability during her geography degree at the University of Leeds, a passion that only grew as she followed up with a master’s degree in climate change.
Georgia explains: “My studies made me realise how important it is to look after the planet. The impacts of climate change are already visible, it’s essential we take action now.”
After completing her master’s degree, Georgia volunteered in a rural village in Tanzania. Whilst teaching at a school there, she saw how dependant the local population was on the land. She understood that changes associated with climate change, such as deviation in rainfall patterns and even small temperature increases, will have significant impacts on the most vulnerable communities. Her experience reaffirmed her commitment to sustainability and drove her to take a position where she can make a positive difference.
Georgia joined H+H in July 2024. She was attracted to the role as she wanted to work for a company that prioritises sustainability and she wanted to contribute to making essential materials more sustainable. So far, she has thoroughly enjoyed being able to support the environment in a positive way and driving tangible changes from her position at H+H.
Day to day, Georgia’s responsibilities include monitoring daily energy use across the entire company, tracking resources including electricity, natural gas and water. Sustainability is a focus across every aspect of H+H, so she works with people from all areas of the business. She regularly meets with the company’s suppliers to discuss sustainability strategies, staying up to date with their environmental goals and evaluating how they might impact H+H’s sustainability roadmap.
Working on a variety of projects, Georgia plays an important part in producing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for H+H products. EPDs are crucial documents that allow us to transparently report the carbon emissions associated with specific products. Additionally, Georgia has been investigating the option of using alternative fuels to reduce the carbon emissions associated with H+H’s manufacturing plants, something she is excited to see the company explore in the future.
Reducing emissions is a key focus for H+H. Our sustainability roadmap lays out a clear strategy for achieving this and sets targets to meet along the way. By 2030, we plan to reduce our emissions intensity by 50% for each block we manufacture, relative to 2019. We are committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
Georgia believes that one of the key challenges to building sustainable homes is the lack of understanding amongst consumers regarding the importance of considering sustainability when buying a house.
“Changing consumer behaviour will play a big part in the coming years. If buyers demand homes that are constructed more sustainably it will incentivise the industry to invest more in this area, we need to highlight the importance of sustainable construction to the buyer.”
Georgia is looking forward to continuing down this career path, commenting:
“I definitely would like to keep my focus on sustainability and in the years to come take on a leadership position in this field. I like to think I’m doing my part to help save the planet, bit by bit.”