Construction Products Regulations
The Construction Products Regulations (CPR) came into force in the UK on 1st July 2013. This required manufacturers to create a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and apply CE marking to all products which were covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or European Technical Assessment (ETA). Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, the CPR has been retained in UK law but amended by the EU Exit regulations. The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark is the new UK product marking that is used for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and replaces the CE mark. It covers most goods which previously required the CE marking and H+H Aircrete is included within these parameters. The new rules applied from 1st January 2021, although products placed on the market until 31 December 2024 may still carry CE marking to allow for transition.
Since September 2021 all H+H UK products have been UKCA marked and the relevant certification is available on this page.
The UKCA certificates contain both UKCA mark and DoP on a single document for each product. The certificate numbers are in the form UKCA-SRC100-01 where “SRC100” is a 6-figure product code identifiable on packaging and delivery tickets and 01 represents the version number.
Product codes for blocks consist of three letters identifying the Grade, Face format and Pack configuration and three digits identifying the thickness. The product code for Celfix is CELFIX.
As an example, UKCA-SGP100-01 is the UKCA certificate for Standard Grade (S) Celcon Plus Blocks (G) supplied on Pallets (P) x 100mm thick (100). The UKCA for Celfix is UKCA-CELFIX-01.
The product name and grade of the material is also clearly stated on the packaging together with the unit thickness. Having taken the description and first letter of the code from the packaging, click on the appropriate grade in the table below to download the relevant documents.
In keeping with Government advice, a full archive of both UKCA and historical CE and DoP certificates is also available on this page and can be downloaded from the table below.
The factory production control for all H+H UK Ltd aircrete blocks has been assessed by the BBA, our UK Approved Body, and the Certificate of Conformity can be downloaded from the ”Certification” section of our Technical Portal here.
Please contact our Technical Department via the contact details at the top of the screen should you be unable to locate any specific certificate.
High Strength
Super Strength
Celfix Thin Layer Mortar
Code: U
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Code: S
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Code: N
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Code: H
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