Our storey-high aircrete panels have been reviewed by NHBC experts and are now part of the NHBC Accepts scheme.
The NHBC Accepts programme, launched in 2020, aims to speed up the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction. Products and systems are reviewed by NHBC technical experts and those deemed to be satisfactory will be provided with the NHBC Accepts certification. A dedicated section of the NHBC website now lists such modern building solutions.
Housebuilders reviewing systems of which they have little experience should find this acceptance process reassuring.
The Celcon Element as a standalone product qualifies as an MMC solution on the basis of the speed of construction. The aircrete panels form the inner leaf of external cavity walls, separating walls and international partition walls in dwellings up to two storeys in height. They are craned into place, allowing for the entire wall structure to be completed fast and accurately.
Celcon Elements also form the basis of the i-HouseTM system. This award-winning method of building combines the speed of offsite-construction with the well recognised performance advantages of aircrete.
i-House was developed through the collaboration of H+H with Roofspace Solutions and combines Celcon Elements with prefabricated timber floors and roof structures, all of which are installed on site by a single dedicated contracting team. The system allows for the entire fabric of a standard house design to be completed on site within a week.
i-House is accepted by both the Build Offsite Property Assurance Scheme and by NHBC. The additional recognition of the Celcon Element in its own right provides additional assurance for the development and testing process behind the use of storey-high aircrete panels.