Excellent service provided by H+H staff has made building a breeze for the team at Sherborne Homes Ltd during the company’s first development for a housing association. High quality service and additional benefits from using the Thin-Joint System, allowed for a speedy delivery of a project in Gloucestershire.
For the development of eight units for Severn Vale Housing Association, Nick Sherborne opted for the H+H Thin-Joint System using Celcon Foundation Blocks and Celcon Plus Blocks with Celfix Mortar. A combination of a terraced block, semi-detached and detached units were constructed as one, two and three bedroom homes.
Technical assistance given by H+H staff prior to, and during, the build process is the subject of high praise and was required when Sherborne Homes employed two new staff members to tackle this project. Training is a huge benefit to H+H customers but confidence of supply is also a key factor in the decision making process for contractors and specfiers.
The end result has meant Nick and his team delivered fast and pleasing results on their first project for a housing association. Sherborne Homes is a well-established property developer based in Cheltenham with a proven track record using H+H products and the Thin-Joint System as opposed to timber frame solutions.
Harry Sherborne, who has been building using H+H products for the past 10 years, added: “Even when we know there might be a shortage situation in the market we are always confident in getting H+H products during difficult supply times.
“We find H+H’s Thin-Joint System is quick, easy, clean on site and all comes together very simply. I am a big believer in H+H and have used the products for the last 10 years.”